創世紀討論區(UO - Ultima Online)

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Return of Counselors (重啟顧問制度)

發表於 2014-2-25 20:58:54 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
We are going to reinstate the Counselor Program back into UO!  At this time I would like to know if we have any players that would be interested in volunteering for these positions.   Below are the requirements:
(大致上說  將重啟顧問制度,希望徵求志願者擔任,條件如下)

Must be 18 years old  (18歲以上)
Must have an active account (UO帳號是啟動狀態)
Must have an account in good standing (帳號狀態良好?)
Have great game knowledge  (豐富的遊戲知識)
Desire to help and work with others (有助人及合作熱誠)
We are making a few alterations to make the program work with all the changes that have been made currently so it will not be active for a bit but if you are interested in being considered for a volunteer Position please email Mesanna@broadsword.com with the following information:


account name (no passwords)   (帳號ID  (免密碼))
shard you play on  (在哪一個伺服器玩?)
time zone you live in  (實際生活在哪個時區?)
I understand most of you have your accounts full of characters so you will be given a work account for this task.(林北知道你的帳號已經創滿人物了,所以屆時你將會有工作帳號來執行顧問工作)

請英文好、人品好、有時間的聖者 爭取一下~
發表於 2014-2-25 21:31:00 | 顯示全部樓層
都只剩老手玩家了..... 應該不用顧問了..... 要是我去當顧問的話,可能還問問其他人怎麼玩哩
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發表於 2014-2-25 21:43:54 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2014-2-26 18:23:58 | 顯示全部樓層


GJ  發表於 2014-3-7 00:38
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發表於 2014-4-22 22:27:37 | 顯示全部樓層
Must have an account in good standing (帳號狀態良好?)應是指沒有給GM抓過去坐牢(外掛)
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發表於 2014-4-23 00:58:21 | 顯示全部樓層
Json 發表於 2014-4-22 22:27
Must have an account in good standing (帳號狀態良好?)應是指沒有給GM抓過去坐牢(外掛) ...

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發表於 2014-4-23 21:46:36 | 顯示全部樓層
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