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發表於 2011-7-12 06:20:42 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 83844272 於 2011-7-12 06:22 編輯

發表於 2011-7-12 08:45:41 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 DUNK 於 2011-7-12 08:54 編輯


我的認知是 傷害加成 分二大類 一個是基礎傷害 另一個是額外傷害
基礎傷害 (角色裝備上限 100%  力量上限 125)
Weapon:             (武器種類)
Base Damage:     (基本傷害最小最大值)
Strength:            (角色力量值)
Tactics:               (角色戰術技能值)
Anatomy:            (角色解剖技能值)
Lumberjacking:      (角色伐木技能值)
Damage Increase %:    (角色裝備上增加攻擊傷害總值)
Axe Weapon:         (是否為斧類武器)
算法參考這裡  http://www.uoguide.com/Damage_Calculations
額外傷害  聖德 、死敵 、完美攻擊、神聖武器)
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 樓主| 發表於 2011-7-12 10:15:17 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 2# DUNK

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發表於 2011-7-12 11:11:15 | 顯示全部樓層
傷害分兩類 Damage Increase 和  Damage Bonus, 其中
Damage Increase (由裝備上附加) 的上限是  100%,
而 Damage Bonus (由Tactics,Anatomy, LumberJack, Strength, 聖騎EOO, 武士Perfection, 聖德武器等附加)
但  Damage Increase + Damage Bonus 總和上限是300%
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發表於 2011-7-12 11:27:25 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Cavier 於 2011-7-12 11:31 編輯

在未來publish 71時,聖騎聖化武器最高有15% Damage Bonus (以前沒有), EOO 最高則由50%上調到64%(PVM),而 Divine Fury則最高是Damage Increase 20%(以前是DI 10%)

但是 DI 總和上限還是100%, Damage Increase + Damage Bonus 總和最高還是300%
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發表於 2011-7-12 13:08:09 | 顯示全部樓層
本人戰120 弓120 解120 力量125  如果按照上面所說
Tactics Damage Bonus = (120 / 1.6) + 6.25 = 81.25% Anatomy Damage Bonus = (120 / 2) + 5 = 65% Lumberjacking Damage Bonus = 0/5 = 0 Strength Damage Bonus = (125 * 0.3) + 5 = 42.5% Damage Increase from Items = 100%
Total Damage Bonus = 81.25 + 65 + 0 + 42.5 + 100 = 288.75%
但我對王 有死敵傷害差很多 (所以我覺得分開算的機率比較高)
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發表於 2011-7-12 13:18:02 | 顯示全部樓層
你的情況,若無死敵是, Damage Bonus 是81.25+65+0+42.5=188.75%, DI=100%
所以 Total damage是 188.75(Damage Bonus)+100(DI) = 288.75%

但是若有死敵,則  Damage Bonus是 188.75+50 = 238.75%, DI還是100%
Total damage 238.75+100 =338.75 > 300, 會自動調整到 300%
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發表於 2011-7-12 16:54:27 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 DUNK 於 2011-7-12 17:16 編輯

我只是要說明 我在打王時 有死敵傷害明顯增加
如果照你這樣的說法 ,我的武器跟本不用聖德
有戰士的人都應該知道 有無聖德威力差很多
文字上的說明 最好不要相信 要自己實驗
"People are saying there is a 300% DI cap for PVM, is this true? "
Yes, this is true, Damage Increase is capped at 300% (or a 300 internal damage rating). However, anatomy, tactics, strength, and lumberjacking are NOT included in that cap.
300%的上限不含這anatomy, tactics, strength, and lumberjacking are NOT included in that cap.
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 樓主| 發表於 2011-7-12 18:09:53 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2011-7-12 18:48:24 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Cavier 於 2011-7-13 11:50 編輯

根據UO designer Logrus的以下說法( source: http://vboards.stratics.com/uo-d ... ivalry-changes.html )

There are basically two ways damage is calculated from weapons.
There is the damage increase, which is usually applied as a fraction of weapon damage, and then there are damage modifiers which act on the total damage after the damage increases have been applied.

So theres Damage Increase, and Damage Modifier.

The damage % on your weapon is a damage increase type. So a 50% Damage increase weapon or 50% damage increase on your items, adds an additional 50% of your weapon damage to your base damage.

So if you were using a kryss with base damage 11-13 and factored in all your strength, tactics and anatomy and were hitting for 20-25 and you added 50% Damage increase to the kryss or equipped 50% damage increase worth of items, your damage would increase by 50% of the 11 -13 which is about 6 points giving you a total of 26-31.
Your total damage increase limit from items in this case would be 100% or an additional 11-13 points.

Divine Fury is like equipping items with damage increase on them.

Consecrate and Enemy of One, are damage modifier effects, ( similar to slayers) which take the final damage, and multiply it.
So if your weapon was 11-13 and your damage after factoring strength, tatics and anatomy was 20-25, and you cast enemy of one at 50%, you would be getting a damage out of 1.5 * the 20-25 which is 30-37.

120 Chivalry with these changes using consecrate, divine fury, and enemy of one provides 79% ( 1.79x) damage modifier and a
20% base damage increase.

Chivalry as in production provides 50% (1.5x) damage modifier damage from enemy of one, and 10% base damage increase from divine fury.

I hope that clarifies it some.

You can get 20 DI from Divine Fury, and 50% Damage Modifier (1.64x) from Enemy of One, and finally 15% Damage modifier (1.15x) from Consecrate.

Going by what I remember seeing in code it works like this.
You can increase your base damage by up to 300%. This is limited to 100% from items. So basically if you maxed out damage increase from items, maxed tactics, maxed strength, maxed anatomy you could do 4x your weapon damage as base.
(In the case of a kryss 11- 13 base, your hit increase could be up to 44-52.

Now for damage modifiers, such as slayers, super slayers etc, you get a modifier to the above base damage.
Your total damage modifiers can be up to 300% or 3x the base damage above.


傷害值的計算分成兩類: Damage Increase (DI) 和 Damage Modifier(DM)

其中由物品附加的Damage Increase最高是100%,而由 解剖/戰技/力量/伐木/聖騎Divine Fury/武士Perfection 等所增加的也是 Damage Increase, 但是DI最高是300%,這個加成後的傷害值叫做base damage,也就是出現在Character Status武器圖案右邊的數值.

而最後對怪物的傷害值(假設抗性0) Final damage = base damage * Damage Modifier

Damage Modifier 來自 聖德武器/死敵/聖化武器(publish 71之後),但是DM最高也是300%

聖德武器要注意有分Super Slayer和 Lesser Slayer, 例如 Reptile Slayer 是Super Slayer, 而 Dragon Slayer 是 Lesser Slayer, Super Slayer是兩倍DM,而Lesser Slayer是三倍.

所以今天如果我用複合弓(weapon damage 13-17),然後經由角色屬性技能武器屬性等方式把Damage Increase加成到288%,那麼在Character Status出現的武器傷害值應該是37-48,用它來射一隻龍,並且使用Armor Ignore特攻,那龍每被射一箭應該損血33-43,但是如果我的複合弓有Dragon Slayer屬性,射一箭Armor Ignore特攻,那龍損血應該在99-129之間.

這裡會用 Armor Ignore 特攻來說明是為了避免去做武器elemental damage與怪物elemental resist的計算.
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